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Care > Kaitiaki & Volunteer Groups

Nukuhou Saltmarsh

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Care > Kaitiaki & Volunteer Groups > Nukuhou Saltmarsh

In 2003 the Nukuhou Saltmarsh Care Group commenced weed control and re-planting native species around the largest remnant saltmarsh at Ōhiwa Harbour. Two years on the group began trapping stoats and weasels and trapping and poisoning rodents.


The numbers of rare Mātātā (Fernbird) increased from counts in the 10s to closer to 100. Matuku (Australasian bittern), Mohopereru (Banded rail) and other endangered birds have also benefited. The group has also developed a boardwalk, and the 2km Cheddar Valley walking track featuring creative displays of the birds that can be seen there. For a number of years now the care group has included the Waiōtane Scenic Reserve and Uretara Island in its weed and predator control activities.


Stuart Slade

Phone: 07 312 4583

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